Publisher: Wölfert Puppen GbR

Eishäuser Gartenstraße 38
98646 Straufhain, Germany

Phone:    +49 (0)3685 / 40 10 64
Faximile: +49 (0)3685 / 40 41 55

Owner / Director:
Reinhard Wölfert
Ursula Hackbarth - Müller

Responsible for contents according §5 TMG:
Reinhard Wölfert


Competent supervisory authority: IHK Suhl / Südthüringen, Germany

This website contains links to external 3rd party websites, where we neither have any influence on, nor can take any responsibility on the content of those websites. Only the webmaster of those 3rd party websites is liable for its content. Those 3rd party websites were checked for illegal content at the time of setting the link. No illegal contents were recognizable on the sites which were to link, at the moment of setting the link. However, a cyclic monitoring of those linked sites, without any indication for a violence of law is unacceptable. By knowledge of any violation of law, we will remove those links from our site immediately.

All informations on this website are made to the best of conscience and belief, and have been checked using professional diligence. However, a claim to completeness, actuality or accuracy does not exist. A liability for the informations provided here is excluded.

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